My progress in learning french has stalled since we left Carlipa. I've made some feeble attempts to find language classes since we've been here but time is flying by so quickly and we've kind of found that we can get by without speaking to anybody much at all. Isn't that terrible! It's been a surprise to me that we haven't been able to pick it up by now sort of by osmosis. I thought with hearing french every day it would sort of grow on me but, sigh, that hasn't happened.
Our next door neighbour, Daniella has kindly offered to help me with my French and we spent a couple of hours on the weekend going through the pronunciation of some basic French words. But mainly getting sidetracked chatting. She’s from the Czech Republic, has a Masters in Social Work and speaks three languages. She’s having difficulty in finding a proper job in her field in France so she does cleaning part time and some home help duties for elderly and disabled people. It must be very frustrating for her with her skills to be in this position.