Thursday, January 22, 2009

The drive to Annecy - Photos

Sunset on the way to Annecy

Showing the snow on the sides of the road

We were only minutes leaving Besançon and quite a bit of snow had fallen overnight. It was a metre or more piled up along the sides of the road. The snowy roads followed us the whole way to Annecy. It was really beautiful and a little bit hair raising with the fog closing in a few times and you couldn't see a thing out of the side windows. We crossed the Swiss border briefly at Lucerne and Geneva but we didn't stop till we arrived in Annecy.

1 comment:

Dixie said...

Fabulous 'project' a year in France!! Well done - I am sure you'll never ever regret this... but I am sure you'll be very pleased to be home one day too....