Sitting on the plane. What an enormous aircraft! The plane is beautiful. It’s Singapore Airlines Airbus A380 – a massive aircraft. The departure through Australian customs went smoothly after all the drama/debacle with the visas. Things can only get better from here. They didn’t stamp mine or Andrew’s passports, but the kids got their first passport stamp.
The Singapore Airlines hosties are beautiful and there seems to be a lot of them running around looking after everyone. Hot towel anyone? My belly’s doing backflips, I’m a bit nervous about flying.
Arrival in Paris
Finally arrived in Paris not feeling too chipper. Such a long flight from Australia – 24 hours including change of plane in Singapore. Samuel stayed up the whole way from Sydney to Singapore playing computer games. Ella felt a bit sick during the flight. Samuel was sick on the carpet at Singapore transit but you couldn’t tell because of the motley pattern on the carpet. Plus no one batted an eyelid or offered to help.
On our arrival in Paris we hired a car from Avis and headed sud (south). It was flogging down rain so hard we could barely see the road sometimes and that together with getting used to the hire car with left hand drive made for quite an exciting introduction to France. It takes a bit to get used to being on the right hand side of the road and staying there – it was a bit tricky a few times. We kept looking at the other cars and thinking they had no-one driving them because the driver was on the opposite side of the car and the normal driving side was empty.
We drove as far as Auxerre (pronounced ohh serr) for our first night. We picked Auxerre randomly off the map because we didn’t think we could drive much further that day anyway. We had no desire to stay in Paris in our jet lagged state. We plan to enjoy Paris abit later in our trip.
Pulling in to a roadside stop and practising some French on real French people for the first time, I felt myself almost wanting to cry from being so nervous and embarrassed. I think my face was the colour of beetroot.
They had a promotion going on at the roadhouse where you had to insert the ticket you received with your purchase into a machine and maybe win a prize. As we were leaving, this burly guy whom I thought was the security guard kind of shepherded me over to the machine in a jolly burly kind of way and the 2 tickets I had both won a prize which was 2 cooler bags (Get Bags) which will probably come in handy for picnics.
The Singapore Airlines hosties are beautiful and there seems to be a lot of them running around looking after everyone. Hot towel anyone? My belly’s doing backflips, I’m a bit nervous about flying.
Arrival in Paris
Finally arrived in Paris not feeling too chipper. Such a long flight from Australia – 24 hours including change of plane in Singapore. Samuel stayed up the whole way from Sydney to Singapore playing computer games. Ella felt a bit sick during the flight. Samuel was sick on the carpet at Singapore transit but you couldn’t tell because of the motley pattern on the carpet. Plus no one batted an eyelid or offered to help.
On our arrival in Paris we hired a car from Avis and headed sud (south). It was flogging down rain so hard we could barely see the road sometimes and that together with getting used to the hire car with left hand drive made for quite an exciting introduction to France. It takes a bit to get used to being on the right hand side of the road and staying there – it was a bit tricky a few times. We kept looking at the other cars and thinking they had no-one driving them because the driver was on the opposite side of the car and the normal driving side was empty.
We drove as far as Auxerre (pronounced ohh serr) for our first night. We picked Auxerre randomly off the map because we didn’t think we could drive much further that day anyway. We had no desire to stay in Paris in our jet lagged state. We plan to enjoy Paris abit later in our trip.
Pulling in to a roadside stop and practising some French on real French people for the first time, I felt myself almost wanting to cry from being so nervous and embarrassed. I think my face was the colour of beetroot.
They had a promotion going on at the roadhouse where you had to insert the ticket you received with your purchase into a machine and maybe win a prize. As we were leaving, this burly guy whom I thought was the security guard kind of shepherded me over to the machine in a jolly burly kind of way and the 2 tickets I had both won a prize which was 2 cooler bags (Get Bags) which will probably come in handy for picnics.
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