We visited Albi on Sunday. We had planned to do Albi and Castres in one day but Albi had too much on offer. We couldn’t tear ourselves away. We arrived mid morning. It was about 2 hours from Carlipa on the D road. Decided not to waste time trying to find free parking miles from anywhere and paid to park underground 5 minutes from the centre of town. Then it was a 2 minute walk to the massive Cathedral in town which was particularly special as there was a mass on that morning (being Sunday). It was the first time I had ever visited any olden day church which was actually having a service. It was quite moving. We sat for a while with the kids but not too long.
Wandered around the town, bought some postcards and headed towards restaurant area for lunch. Found a reasonable place and enjoyed deux paella, poullet basque and sausiccons grille.
After lunch Andrew took Samuel down to the river and Ella and I went back to the church for another look and then to the Toulouse Lautrac Museum. By about 3pm everyone had had enough and we headed off home.
On the way home we decided to try to find L’Archipel (ice skating arena) for our next trip to Castres and ended up stumbling across this Fete medieval which was amazing. All these people dressed in medieval suits of armour, complete with chain mesh gear, swords and flag bearers. There was women dressed in the long flowing dresses of those days and demonstrations of blacksmithing, writing with quills, embroidery and all these eagles sitting on perches. It was like being on a movie set. Samuel thought it was fantastic – it’s his new thing he’s interested in – he loves all the swords, bows and arrows and fighting.
They had different clans of knights and staged a mock demonstration in the arena. There would have been a few thousand people there. It was a unique experience.
Wandered around the town, bought some postcards and headed towards restaurant area for lunch. Found a reasonable place and enjoyed deux paella, poullet basque and sausiccons grille.
After lunch Andrew took Samuel down to the river and Ella and I went back to the church for another look and then to the Toulouse Lautrac Museum. By about 3pm everyone had had enough and we headed off home.
On the way home we decided to try to find L’Archipel (ice skating arena) for our next trip to Castres and ended up stumbling across this Fete medieval which was amazing. All these people dressed in medieval suits of armour, complete with chain mesh gear, swords and flag bearers. There was women dressed in the long flowing dresses of those days and demonstrations of blacksmithing, writing with quills, embroidery and all these eagles sitting on perches. It was like being on a movie set. Samuel thought it was fantastic – it’s his new thing he’s interested in – he loves all the swords, bows and arrows and fighting.
They had different clans of knights and staged a mock demonstration in the arena. There would have been a few thousand people there. It was a unique experience.
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