Friday, July 3, 2009

Reunion at Sevlje - Saturday 27 June 2009

Willi and Tine
Ella and Polona
Picnic table

My Slovenian rellies on Dad’s side of the family have a family get-together once a year. It’s a picnic held at Sevlje, the family farm, and is usually held in June when the weather is nice.

This year we timed our return visit to co-incide with the picnic and it turned out to be an excellent day. We’ve already met everyone on our first trip in April. It was fantastic to see everyone together yabbering away and cracking jokes in Slovenian, none of which Andrew and I understood. But aside from the language difficulty, Andrew still managed to make everyone laugh. There was lots of food and drink and the kids played happily with all the other kids. It was a good day.

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