Thursday, October 16, 2008

Montelieu 14 September 2008

Montelieu today. We were told they had English bookshops here which I am longing for something to read in my own language.

It was a rainy day more suited to staying inside and watching tv but we’ve only got boring CNN on our tv. I don’t like being at home. I’d rather be out hooning around the countryside exploring and enjoying the beautiful scenery.

We’re not kitted up for rainy weather. The kids have raincoats and we’ve got umbrellas but still we managed to get wet with the wind and rain blowing our umbrellas inside out, feet soaking wet.

Montelieu is ancient and pretty even in the rain. The village is built up next to a huge ravine and it’s mountainous country. It has several small bookshops which have books and reference books from the olden days.

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